Acorns and memories

I love acorns- they remind me of my childhood walking around on Albany hill (overlooking the San Francisco Bay surrounded by Eucalyptus trees) or up in Tilden Park overlooking the entire Bay Area.  The smell of them brings back memories of the days of old, and their shape and design is a thing of beauty.

I was playing around one day after collecting a few in Tilden Park while my girls rode the historic carousel, and took a few shots back at home.

Here they are just to share…..I’ll probably have more to come someday.

Acorns and memories

I love acorns- they remind me of my childhood walking around on Albany hill (overlooking the San Francisco Bay surrounded by Eucalyptus trees) or up in Tilden Park overlooking the entire Bay Area.  The smell of them brings back memories of the days of old, and their shape and design is a thing of beauty.

I was playing around one day after collecting a few in Tilden Park while my girls rode the historic carousel, and took a few shots back at home.

Here they are just to share…..I’ll probably have more to come someday.

Acorns and memories

I love acorns- they remind me of my childhood walking around on Albany hill (overlooking the San Francisco Bay surrounded by Eucalyptus trees) or up in Tilden Park overlooking the entire Bay Area.  The smell of them brings back memories of the days of old, and their shape and design is a thing of beauty.

I was playing around one day after collecting a few in Tilden Park while my girls rode the historic carousel, and took a few shots back at home.

Here they are just to share…..I’ll probably have more to come someday.

Making the best of every situation, Neat Image, Gorilla Pods,,

I’ve started my Podcast through and iTunes (discussing all aspects of photography), and jump into a variety of issues for this podcast/blog- everything from a nice photo tip, to a cool software program plug-in called NeatImage (for Photoshop CS2 and CS3), as well as recommending fun new tripod for your camera called Gorilla Pods.

I also talk about the benefits of online workshops, and much more. Check it out photo dudes and dudettes….

Making the best of every situation, Neat Image, Gorilla Pods,,

I’ve started my Podcast through and iTunes (discussing all aspects of photography), and jump into a variety of issues for this podcast/blog- everything from a nice photo tip, to a cool software program plug-in called NeatImage (for Photoshop CS2 and CS3), as well as recommending fun new tripod for your camera called Gorilla Pods.

I also talk about the benefits of online workshops, and much more. Check it out photo dudes and dudettes….

Making the best of every situation, Neat Image, Gorilla Pods,,

I’ve started my Podcast through and iTunes (discussing all aspects of photography), and jump into a variety of issues for this podcast/blog- everything from a nice photo tip, to a cool software program plug-in called NeatImage (for Photoshop CS2 and CS3), as well as recommending fun new tripod for your camera called Gorilla Pods.

I also talk about the benefits of online workshops, and much more. Check it out photo dudes and dudettes….

Making the best of every situation, Neat Image, Gorilla Pods,,

I’ve started my Podcast through and iTunes (discussing all aspects of photography), and jump into a variety of issues for this podcast/blog- everything from a nice photo tip, to a cool software program plug-in called NeatImage (for Photoshop CS2 and CS3), as well as recommending fun new tripod for your camera called Gorilla Pods.

I also talk about the benefits of online workshops, and much more. Check it out photo dudes and dudettes….

PhotoGuru and you…

This is our first
Podcast for PhotoGuru and I hope you all enjoy it and look forward to many more.

Over the following months and years, I’ll be posting Podcasts on our upcoming television show “PhotoGuru with Sean Arbabi”, keeping you all up-to-date on our progress to get our show to the airwaves.

I’ll also be sharing with you all my life as a commercial travel photographer, running my business “Arbabi Imagery“.  I’ll talk about recent shoots, challenges, upcoming workshops, published work, and upload images from my experiences.

Click on the link above to listen to our first Podcast loaded May 2007.

peace, love, and cashflow….

PhotoGuru and you…

This is our first
Podcast for PhotoGuru and I hope you all enjoy it and look forward to many more.

Over the following months and years, I’ll be posting Podcasts on our upcoming television show “PhotoGuru with Sean Arbabi”, keeping you all up-to-date on our progress to get our show to the airwaves.

I’ll also be sharing with you all my life as a commercial travel photographer, running my business “Arbabi Imagery“.  I’ll talk about recent shoots, challenges, upcoming workshops, published work, and upload images from my experiences.

Click on the link above to listen to our first Podcast loaded May 2007.

peace, love, and cashflow….

PhotoGuru and you…

This is our first
Podcast for PhotoGuru and I hope you all enjoy it and look forward to many more.

Over the following months and years, I’ll be posting Podcasts on our upcoming television show “PhotoGuru with Sean Arbabi”, keeping you all up-to-date on our progress to get our show to the airwaves.

I’ll also be sharing with you all my life as a commercial travel photographer, running my business “Arbabi Imagery“.  I’ll talk about recent shoots, challenges, upcoming workshops, published work, and upload images from my experiences.

Click on the link above to listen to our first Podcast loaded May 2007.

peace, love, and cashflow….